Enjoy all the Benefits of Your Own 
 Fundraising Mall without All the Work!    

  We Specialize in Working

 with Schools, Fire Departments

 and Community Organizations



About Us


The Company

As members, supporters, and volunteers of many organizations in their communities, the founders of Your Fundraiser Site recognized a growing need for a simpler and more beneficial way to involve individuals in their communities to help raise funds for their schools, churches, charities and other non-profit organizations. By applying their past experience and expertise in business management, marketing, customer service, information technology plus fundraising then combining it with a passion for helping people and a dream to assist in their cause , Your Fundraiser Site was created.


Mission Statement

Provide organizations a no risk opportunity to raise much needed funds by simply joining together the desire for their supporters to help and the power of internet marketing.


Customer Care

We like to keep things simple so our Customer Care Team follows one basic rule when it comes to Customer Service:

The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated! 




 Welcome Our Newest Partners!

Lincoln Jackson Elementary PTA

Scranton, PA 

LB Morris PTA

Jim Thorpe, PA

Families In Need

Phoenix, AZ

Palmyra Elementary PTO

Palmyra, PA


Our Guarantee

 We are so confident in the power of our fundraising program that if you try it and at any time you are not satisfied or feel that it has not benefited your cause, simply contact us and we will deactivate your site and your organization can keep any monetary contributions or credits earned to date as our gift.